Annual Health Checks – Your Stepping Stone to Good Health

MediBuddy The hustle and bustle of our modern-day lifestyle leaves us with hardly any time to prioritize our health. The late-night meetings, a happening social life and a blooming family leave us with no time for anything else! Gone are the days when people returned home from work and enjoyed a game of badminton with the family. These days, we’d consider ourselves lucky to get home just in time for dinner. While this tech-age has made our lives better in numerous ways, it has also made us more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. We’ve all heard the saying “Prevention is better than cure”. Annual health checks are one way to prevent the numerous illnesses that we are at risk of developing. Thankfully, most of us are enrolled under a group/company health insurance policy that may give us the added benefit of availing an annual health check, free of cost or at a reduced price. Read on to know how to schedule your annual health check in a hassle-free manner!

Just follow these 6 simple steps to book your health check on MediBuddy:

  • Log into MediBuddy with your username and password.
  • Once you’ve logged in, click on Health Check.
  • Based on who needs to be enrolled for the health check (you or a family member), enter all the necessary personal details.
  • Next, you will have to choose your preferred date, time and diagnostic centre for your health screening. Once you’ve picked a slot that’s suitable to you, all that’s left to do is book the appointment.
  • You will be sent an order confirmation email, which you can use for further reference.

And that is all! Bethere on the chosen day at your chosen venue. Remember to carry a copy of your order confirmation email with you! With MediBuddy, it’s as easy and simple as that!