Revealed: 5 Pure Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know About

The benefits of coconut oil extend to all aspects of your health. People have begun to discover the strengths of this amazing extract which is why it has found its way into Europe, America, and more from the tropical countries where they’re commonly used. Here are a few:
It is good for heart health
An increase in HDL cholesterol—or “good” cholesterol— is one of the important edible coconut oil health benefits. This is because HDL cholesterol is very good for your heart, and can help you prevent heart diseases such as high blood pressure, arterial damage, and heart attacks. This oil does not lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol—or “bad” cholesterol—levels when you consume it. However, no two patients are alike. As someone who has just begun using this oil, you must make it a point to monitor your cholesterol levels regularly to and consult your physician before adding anything new to your diet.
It is good for your hair
Now this is something that most people in the tropics know. The west is recently discovering the cold pressed coconut oil benefits and you can find numerous tutorials online swearing by exponential hair growth and volume after using coconut oil. Coconut oil is great for your hair as it prevents protein loss, adds moisture, and helps with hair growth. This oil can be used to create hair masks at home as well.
It is good for your skin
Another one of the highly lauded cold pressed coconut oil benefits is that it is great for your skin. It can be used as a moisturizer and works particularly well for people who have very dry skin. People with oily skin, on the other hand, will have to test these benefits of coconut oil by slapping some on the skin. It may lead to acne or oily skin problems if applied too liberally.
It is good for losing weight
Is cooking with coconut oil healthy?Yes. Apart from aiding in the increase of HDL, improving your hair, and your skin, this oil can help you lose weight. This is great news for people whose weight is actually causing them a series of serious health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and so on. Coconut oil helps by increasing your body’s metabolic rate. This is achieved by putting some stress on the pancreas, which ultimately helps people lose weight. Adding coconut oil in diet benefits your thyroid and endocrine system as well. Furthermore, consuming coconut oil is very good for your digestion and can help prevent many digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion.
It improves your immunity
One of the reasons why coconut oil is good for health is because it can help strengthen your body’s immune system. Coconut oil contains a lot of antimicrobial lipids that are very good for fighting off bacteria and viruses. This can help your body fight off a ton of diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus and, yeast infections. It is also believed that coconut oil can help decrease a patient’s viral susceptibility if they are suffering from HIV or cancer.
Miscellaneous benefits
Apart from these benefits, using coconut oil can help you in other ways as well:
- Using coconut oil in aromatherapy relieves stress
- Pure coconut oil can help control blood sugar
- Coconut oil improves your body’s ability to absorb different types of minerals, including magnesium and calcium which improve bone strength
- It boosts energy
- It can be used as a carrier oil to help you enjoy the benefits of other oils as well
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